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News Highlights provides you with the best compilation of the Daily News Highlights taking place across the globe: National, International, Sports, Science and Technology, Banking, Economy, Agreement, Appointments, Ranks, and Report and General Studies




Baku talks run into overtime amid row over climate finance

Climate talks at Azerbaijan's Baku were extended by another day after the latest version of the draft agreement was deemed unacceptable by several developing countries.

The developed countries offered no more than $250 billion by 2035 as the New Collective Quantified Goal for Climate Finance (NCQG) despite acknowledging that at least $700 billion would be needed until 2030 to help developing countries.

Moreover, with no commitment that this would be disbursed to developing countries in affordable terms, several countries and civil society groups said that this was extremely inadequate to counter the challenges wreaked by climate change. 


SC to take a call on easing GRAP-4 curbs in Capital on Nov. 25

The Supreme Court said it would consider relaxing the Graded Response Action Plan4 (GRAP-4) curbs in Delhi on November 25 after the Central government-constituted Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas (CAQM) claimed the city's air quality had entered the GRAP-2 stage. 

A Bench headed by Justice A.S. Oka said its call would depend on the report of 13 Court Commissioners, formed to visit Delhi's border entry points on Saturday and report on the GRAP-4 compliance. 


A study by the Indian Institute of Science sheds light on the migratory pattern of cancer cells

A new study from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) shows how inherent variations in a cancer cell and its interactions with its surroundings mould its migration. 

The findings, published in Biophysical Journal, reveal that cancer cells seem to adapt their migratory pattern depending on the physical and biochemical characteristics of their surroundings, called the microenvironment. 

"The spread of tumour from the primary cancer site to distant organs, called metastasis, has puzzled scientists for many years - they are only now beginning to pinpoint triggers and mechanisms that drive this process," IISc said. 


Understanding the changing face of extremist violence

A RAND study published a couple of years ago in the United States, under the preferred headline 'Changing Face of Hate, domestic extremist violence', indicated that important changes were constantly taking place in the realm of domestic terrorism and violent extremism. 

The obiter dicta of this study was that it is imperative for law enforcement officers to properly understand the nature of the changes that were taking place across the spectrum to be able to prepare for future eventualities. 

The study had special relevance for the U.S. Yet, in a subliminal fashion, it did contain lessons for other countries as well. 


Urgent deadline

Tackling global hunger and poverty and promoting climate justice were declared goals for the recent G-20 summit in Rio de Janeiro. 

Brazilian President Lula Da Silva called poverty a "scourge that shames humanity", asking the gathered nations to implement policies such as taxing the 'super-rich', using a 2% wealth tax on the world's wealthiest to generate more than $200 billion in revenue. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi too underlined that the problems of the world are felt most acutely by the 'Global South', and, therefore, that the reins of global administration must belong to those that represent the larger majority in the world. 


Socialism in India means a welfare state, not a dictatorial dogma: CJI

Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna said the idea of 'socialism' in India primarily meant a welfare state that provides equality of opportunity for all, and not a dictatorial dogma rammed down on citizens. 

The Chief Justice of India reasoned that the concept of socialism in India did not negate the participation of private players or negate individualism. 


India-U.S. ties built on 'strong foundation', says White House

Asserting that the relationship between India and the U.S. is built on a strong foundation, the White House has expressed confidence that it can navigate the ongoing crisis surrounding bribery charges against Indian billionaire Gautam Adani. 


The agriculture and services sector offers skilling opportunities: study

Service sector jobs and agriculture income enhancement present large opportunities for school-based skilling, according to "Jobs at Your Doorsteps," a skill gap study prepared by the World Bank based on the availability of skill education and jobs in Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Rajasthan.

The study also found that 14 sectors and corresponding trades can cater to the majority of high-demand jobs for school to work.

The study examined key questions such as how skill education be scaled and strengthened and which skills should be offered considering local economic needs. 


Govt. notifies telecom cybersecurity rules

The Centre has notified the telecom cyber security rules, that aim to safeguard India's communication networks and services, through a host of measures including specified timelines for telcos to report security incidents and make disclosures.

The rules also empower the central government/ its authorised agency to seek traffic data and any other data (other than the content of messages) from a telecom entity for the purpose of ensuring cyber security.

As per the rules, a manufacturer of equipment that has an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number, will register the number of such equipment manufactured in India with the government, before the first sale of such equipment. 

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