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The Commissioner of Railway Safety has called for the implementation of the automatic train-protection system—KAVACH after a few recent train accidents.

Kavach System

  • It is an indigenously developed advanced Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system that aims to prevent train collisions by automatically activating the braking system of the train.
  • Developed by:  Research Design and Standards Organisation in collaboration with the Indian industry.  
  • Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) or Kavach includes the key elements from already existing and tried and tested systems like the European Train Protection and Warning System, and the indigenous Anti Collison Device.
  • It is a state-of-the-art electronic system with Safety Integrity Level-4 (SIL-4) standards which provides protection by preventing trains from passing the signal at Red (which marks danger) and avoiding collision.

This technology features an electronic device linked with radio frequency identification (RFID) systems positioned at stations, trains and tracks.

  • RFID technology uses radio waves to identify people or objects. 

The basic Features of KAVACH:

  • It allows trains to operate at permissible speeds.
  • It assists loco pilots in preventing Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD).
  • It provides continuous speed supervision.
  • It displays signal aspects and movement authority in the loco pilot’s cab.
  • It offers protection against potential collisions.

Some of India’s key initiatives for preventing train collisions

  • A sum of Rs 1,112.57 crore has been allocated for the installation of the Kavach in the financial year of 2024-25.
  • Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK) was introduced in 2017-18 for the replacement/renewal/upgradation of critical safety assets.

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