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News In Short

Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant


Recently, the Prime Minister of India inaugurated India's first modern, self-sufficient cattle dung-based Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plant in Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh). 

About Compressed Biogas Plant: 

  • It is the first CBG plant in which biogas will be prepared from cattle dung and garbage such as vegetable and fruit waste materials collected from mandis and homes.
  • The state-of-the-art CBG plant is Gwalior's largest cowshed (spread over 5 acres), Adarsh Gaushala, located in Laltipara, Gwalior. 
  • The Gaushala or CBG plant is operated by Gwalior Municipal Corporation and has been developed in collaboration with the Indian Oil Corporation.
  • This plant transforms cow dung into Bio CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and organic manure, promoting sustainable practices.
  • The plant will generate two tons of compressed Biogas daily from 100 tons of cattle dung. Additionally, it produces 10-15 tons of dry bio-manure daily, a valuable by-product for organic farming.
  • This plant has been developed under the vision of ‘Waste to Wealth’ initiative under the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs.

Significance of the Plant:

  • It is an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels and will reduce carbon emissions.
  • It will benefit the local farmers with bio-manure readily available at affordable prices, farmers in nearby districts.
  • This kind of plant will encourage to adopt organic farming practices.

Eastern Imperial Eagle


Recently, a rare imperial eagle has been spotted in Pulluzhi Kole wetlands in Kerala.

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliacal)

  • It is a large, dark brown with white scapular markings and a pale golden-cream nape with a grey base to the tail. 
  • This Eagle primarily breeds in southeastern Europe, and west and central Asia.
  • Birds migrate to regions in northeastern Africa, West Asia, and parts of Southeast Asia in winter.
  • Habitat: Old forests, and the forests in mountain, hills and along rivers are all common habitats.


  • Large eagle with a wingspan of 1.76 to 2.2 m and length between 68 to 90 cm.
  • Reverse sexual dimorphism: females larger than males.
  • Keen eyesight, strong legs with curved talons for prey capture.
  • Golden crown and nape, grey base to the tail, white ‘braces’ on scapulars. 

IUCN Conservation Status: Vulnerable 

Threat: Breeding sites are threatened primarily by intensive forestry in the mountains, shortage of large Indigenous trees in the lowlands, loss and alteration of feeding habitats, shortages of small and medium-sized prey species etc.

The Kole Wetland: 

  • Kole wetlands spreads into the Thrissur and Malappuram districts of Kerala. 
  • It is part of the Central Asian Flyway (supporting migratory bird species).

‘Compendium of Regenerative Agriculture’ 


Recently, The Government of Odisha and ICRISAT, launched a ‘Compendium of Regenerative Agriculture’ to promote regenerative agriculture.

About Compedium of Regenerative Agriculture: 

  • Regenerative Agriculture is a way of farming that focusses on soil health.
  • It outlines five key principles for sustainable farming viz. minimising soil disturbance, maximising crop diversity, maintaining soil cover, keeping living roots year-round, and integrating livestock. 
  • The compendium’s emphasis on holistic farming techniques that enhance soil health, increase carbon sequestration and build climate resilience aligns with global efforts to promote sustainable agriculture.

  • It will be a crucial tool for scaling regenerative agriculture practices, particularly for millets, pulses, and oilseeds.
  • It is a step toward a resilient and sustainable future as it nurtures farmers' livelihoods, restores ecosystems, and strengthens communities.

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