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World Bank’s “Jobs at Your Doorsteps” Study


Recently, the Union Ministers launched the World Bank's report, Jobs at Your Doorstep: A Jobs Diagnostics for Young People in the Six States.

More on the news:

  • The World Bank supports the Ministry of Education through its Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) program, which focuses on six states: - Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Rajasthan, collectively known as the STARS states.
  • The study identified key sectors offering high-demand jobs for students transitioning from school to work.
  • The report is a skills gap analysis that aims to match the trades taught in schools with the industry needs of the local areas where the schools are located.
  • This report underscores the significant benefits of embedding skill-based education from grades 9-12 to prepare students for diverse career paths relying on a bottom-up approach in the 6 STARS states.

Key Findings of the report:

  • Services sector jobs and agriculture income enhancement present large opportunities for school-based skilling.
  • 14 sectors and corresponding trades can cater to the majority of high-demand jobs for school to work.

Sector wise findings: 

  • Services Sector:
  • Major job opportunities in retail, IT, banking, and other services.
  • These jobs require multi-skill exposure and employability skills.

Agriculture Sector:

  • School-based skilling can boost farm productivity and income.
  • Key areas for job creation: horticulture, dairy farming, livestock health, and aquaculture.

Mining Sector:

  • Limited job opportunities due to hazardous work conditions and a demand for unskilled labor.

Manufacturing Sector:

  • MSMEs (small businesses) and large industries offer medium-level opportunities.
  • MSMEs seek multi-skilled workers, while large industries need workers with specific certifications.

Recommendations for Skill Education:

  • Expand access to Skill Education (SE) in more schools; establish Skill Hubs.
  • Offer a revised set of broad-based trades targeting multiple job roles per trade.
  • Realign trades to school mapping basis the local economy.
  • Focus on broader employability skills along with technical trade skills.
  • Enhance learning infrastructure and focus on experiential pedagogy.
  • Build mechanisms to engage qualified trainers with industry experience.
  • Strengthen assessments to test for skills proficiency.
  • Develop a deep and ongoing partnership with industry.
  • Change perceptions around skill education; effectively counsel students and parents to enhance the skill level of the upcoming workforce. 

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